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Vår sida med utvalda innehållsskapare är utformad för att visa upp företag, organisationer och individer som är i linje med vårt uppdrag och våra värderingar. Vi tror att genom att arbeta tillsammans och stötta varandra kan vi göra en ännu större inverkan på världen.

Om du är intresserad av att synas på vår sida, tveka inte att höra av dig. Vi vill gärna lära oss mer om ditt företag eller dina talanger och hur vi kan arbeta tillsammans för att främja vänlighet och positivitet i världen.

Hi! My name is Emily Hutchinson, I’m a 21 year old content creator who focuses on fashion, confidence, beauty, lifestyle, and travel. I create content with all types of brands! I have chosen to partner up with OAKED because I am a big fan and believer of the message this company puts out into the world. I feel very strongly that although everyone’s definition of kindness may be different, most people do have a very set idea of what kindness should be and what it means to them. I believe by partnering with this brand I will be able to help spread the act of kindness the way I see it shine through in my life, and hopefully encourage others to take the steps to do the same in both their lives and the lives of their loved ones. it’s very important to remember that despite all of the negativity in this world, people have good hearts and we should always be pushing each other to be better and to bring out that goodness to benefit other people in our lives as well as ourselves.
Hi! My name is Emily Hutchinson, I’m a 21 year old content creator who focuses on fashion,

Nice to meet you all! My name is Brian Lafortune and I’m a 20 year old semi professional soccer player, freestyler, and social media influencer. I primarily use my platform as a way to help and motivate my audience to be not just the best athletes, but to be the best person they could be. OAKED shared my vision and through partnering with them, inspired me to get out of my comfort zone much like I often encourage my audience to do and helped me create clothes to share. Kindness is a value that’s often overlooked nowadays and my idea with OAKED is to create clothing that sends a positive message not just for others but for ourselves. In this day and age, mental health issues has plagued many with a lack of self-kindness. Let’s try to love ourselves and one another, one step at a time! 

Hi, I'm Nevaeh. I'm 22 years old and I'm on a mission to impact millions of lives with cosmic truth. I have been an advocate for mind, body and soul healing on a cellular level. I have worked with many companies who support mindfulness and companies that align with intracellular healing. By promoting these companies as an influencer I have been able to show people a fresh new perspective to life. We must become the change we want to see in the world and I am a firm believer that change starts with you. In the radiant tapestry of existence, I am a dedicated mind, body, and soul healing coach, standing at the threshold of transformation. My journey has been shaped by a profound shift, a cosmic dance that opened my heart and soul to the divine mysteries of God's kingdom. Embracing this spiritual awakening, I have become a beacon of compassion, truth, and justice for all of mankind. My life's purpose, woven into the very fabric of my being, is to champion health, wealth, and abundance for every soul on this planet. My mission transcends the confines of fear and the limiting beliefs of old paradigms. With unwavering determination, I delve deep into the realms of the mind and body, drawing wisdom from ancient Eastern traditions and revered philosophers of eras past. I stand shoulder to shoulder with the luminaries of our time, visionaries who spoke of an energy world, free energy, and the boundless power of energy frequency and vibration. In this wondrous journey, I am passionately committed to guiding others to see beyond the illusion, to tap into the wellspring of their free will, and to embrace the limitless potential of their existence. Together, we navigate the unfolding tapestry of the new Earth, where compassion, truth, and justice reign supreme, and every soul resonates with the harmonious vibrations of divine love.

Hello hello! My name is Bonita Loka. I am 24 years old and I am represented by Model and Talent Management. I am also a social media influencer and I love working with brands that deserve to be seen and heard. Social media is an amazing opportunity for us all to come together and help each other out in a positive way. The minute I discovered OAKED’s clothing brand, I felt as if i hit the jackpot. OAKED inspired me to boost my confidence when promoting their clothing line. One of my favorite memories with the brand is posting pictures and videos in their amazing, comfortable, & most importantly, affordable apparel. I love the message that they portray to the world and they’re all about being positive and loving yourself and that is exactly the message that I want to relay. I am so excited for all of the future plans OAKED has and I pray that we all can come together and be one big OAKED family. God bless you all!

Featured Creators on the Oaked website.
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